Example customers: Anyone with a large network of people and wanting to launch their own service marketplace
Case example:

Our customer in events industry had between 5-20 weekend events each year all over Finland. They had good networks to get the needed workers and had also used our open platform service to get needed extra workers. In total they already had given experiences to over 600 workers.

Potential in launching own events service platform:
Customer wanted to create a new revenue stream and give more opportunities to those workers they had used. They decided to create own platform with those already vetted and trained workers and open it for other event organisers too. They will earn commission from booked workers. This solution will expand our customers own business opportunities while also providing a flexible tool for others in the industry to match their tasks with the right workers.


Example customers: Warehouses, cleaning, healthcare, logistics..
Case example: Wholesale warehousing and Cleaning company

Our customers had difficulties finding workforce for their warehouse. Job advertising in various channels was costly, and required a lot of time to manage, which resulted in a time consuming and financially costly process.

We co-created a new program with a local NGO who was helping immigrants finding new paths to the working life. As part of the program the NGO would train the people and was supervising them during their first tasks which were organised on on-demand basis. If the work experiences were successful the customer would employ the people resulting in more permanent job opportunities. Tasks were modified in such a way that it was easy to give work even short-term basis.

Case Industry: Logistics

Package deliveries have increased hugely and competition for needed workers is fierce.

Own platform opened a possibility to invite workers with all kinds of contract models (freelancers, self-employed, small companies, employees etc) and give efficiently freedom for them to choose their own work-shifts and tasks. Efficient management of tasks attracted good quality workforce and mobility helps to resource even fast and last minute needs.


Example case: Car Sales
Our customer sells used cars and offers free delivery for the bought cars to buyers’ homes all over Finland. They were looking for an effective solution to find workers for these transportation jobs.

In our platform each transportation job is created as a task and all the workers instantly receive a notification to their phones. This solution has significantly reduced time to find a person for the job - it can now be done in minutes. Once the task is approved the remaining process is fully automated: contract is made, and once the task is done the payment is released.


Challenge 1:
Managing open CV's. Many companies are asking interested people entering open CV's but these are difficult to manage when potential opportunity would open. Specially any shorter-term opportunities which could be a great way to validate persons skills and attitudes can not be offered to those who have shown interest towards your organisation.

Invite users to your own platform where it is easy to open any opportunity and offer it few few clicks to all. Those who are free and interested can apply so you get the applications fast. It also gives you the opportunity to engage with students and other future talents efficiently already much before they graduate and ready to work more.

Challenge 2:
Internal job-rotation. One of the top personnel survey development issue is not knowing what is happening in other departments of larger companies.

Instead of mainly information sharing, with your pwn platfrom you can offer concrete work experiences in other units with efficient reporting who has helped and where and how to allocate costs to correct cost centers.

Challenge 3: Creating CSR in concrete way

Solution: We have created many programs to large corporations to create shared value in innovative ways. Media company has supported a program where youth were teaching mobile phone skills to elderly in elder care homes. Insurance company has provided local well-being in various ways. Manufacturing company gave work introductions to challenged young people in co-operation with local child and youth organisation.

Insurance company’s CFO tells about their views